Ojou Ai Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 8428 Data de inscriere : 25/02/2010
| Subiect: Ghosts Mier Iun 02, 2010 10:37 pm | |
A ghost is the apparition of a deceased person, frequently similar in appearance to that person, and usually encountered in places she or he frequented, the place of his or her death, or in association with the person's former belongings. The word ghost may also refer to the spirit or soul of a deceased person, or to any spirit or demon. A place in which ghosts are supposed to appear is described as haunted. A related phenomenon is the poltergeist, literally a 'noisy spirit' that manifests itself by moving and influencing objects, though a widespread view today is that these occurrences are either fraudulent or manifestations of the psychic energy of, particularly, adolescent girls. Phantom armies, ghost-animals, ghost trains and phantom ships have also been reported. The reality of ghosts is a vexed subject which divides believers and skeptics. The study of ghosts is both the subject of folklore and also, since the nineteenth century, of the investigations of parapsychologists, who have attempted to refine the vocabulary used in describing ghostly phenomena. Summoning or exorcising the shades of the departed is an item of belief and religious practice for spiritualists and practitioners of ritual magic. Though some claims of ghostly phenomena are proven frauds others remain unexplained or are subject to conflicting explanations. So far no one explanation has gained universal acceptance. from : wikipedia
De fiecare data cand aud de asa ceva ma bufneste rasul, pe bune:))))) eu nu cred..mie se pare absurd..mai degraba cred in stiinta de ce trosnesc lucrurile?!simplu ptc totusi au si ele viata cum s-ar zice. un fizician a vorbit despre asta dar nu mai stiu cine, parca Einstein:-? sau Edison ..ma rogJ)
citeam undeva si cineva a scris:
si se intampla prea multe chestii ciudate si misterioase si infricosatoar ein lumea asta ... cum a zis si Ank, am vazut si eu la stiri cum se miscau obiectele in casa, dar pot fi si strigoi >.<, mai rau .... oricum e infricosator, dar eu tot cred ...
frate la tv?? )))c'mon sa fim seriosi aia de la tv sunt in stare de orice, bine au facut aia de national tv cand au facut misto de toata chestia asta cu fantomele(atunci era in cazul cu fantoma catalinei de nush unde )) ) si eu visez lucruri ciudate, ca sa ma sarut cu scheleti sau cu moartea, demons sau multe chestii de genul dar sa fim seriosi e doar vis:))) bine ca mi se intampla ce visez sa chiar simt cum am visat o data ca mam taiat pe mana si chiar am simtit, mam trezit si eram |si ma uitam la mana ca mi se intampla sa ma trezesc zgariata dar totusi )) pe bune mi se pare aiurea...as putea vorbi o zi intreaga despre asta dar ma limitez ))sper k mi-ati inteles punctul meu de vedere si nu mai credeti tot felul de tampenii ))
( one thing...daca te gandesti ca o chestie exista subconstientul tau proceseaza informatia si atunci e normal sa zici ca "aaa...aia s-a miscat....o fantoma!!! " if u know what i mean.....asta tine si de psihologie, creierul uman;) nu zic ca le-as stii eu pe toate ca nu-s genu dar totusi.....e o chestie de logica si in cazul cu fantomele si chestii de stiinta. Dar cum am zis, parerea mea )
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Tsubaki Arwen
Numarul mesajelor : 158 Data de inscriere : 14/03/2010
| Subiect: Re: Ghosts Lun Iun 14, 2010 12:15 am | |
| Intradevar,la TV lumea e in stare de orice cand e vorba de audienta,dar referitor la fantome nu cred totusi ca exista.Totusi,sa zicem ca a avut loc un accident iar o persoana a murit si nu s-a obisnuit cu ideea sau e confuza;e posibil ca sufletul acesteea sa ramana o perioada la locul accidentului,iar dupa aceea sa treaca pe lumea cealalta...dar asta e doar o parere.^^ | |
Ojou Ai Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 8428 Data de inscriere : 25/02/2010
| Subiect: Re: Ghosts Sam Iun 19, 2010 12:53 am | |
| atunci e bine ca nu crezi nici tu in ele...welcome in my club! ))) | |